How Old To Have an Airsoft Gun


begets a magnitude of concern and confusion among gun enthusiasts: How Old Do You Have To Be To Have An Airsoft Gun? In this article, we'll pin down 8-12 chief points, offering a snapshot for each, for you to better comprehend the requirements for owning an airsoft gun and providing guidance on how your age affects the purchasing process and answering the primary query of How Old Do You Have To Be To Have An Airsoft Gun?

To begin, it is essential to understand the airsoft gun is considered a toy. However, many people do not consider the safety hazards that can arise. It is recommended to wear safety glasses and other gear when using airsoft guns.

The age restrictions and regulations for purchasing airsoft guns vary from one area to another. While some states make the age limit at 18-years old, others may restrict airsoft gun possession to persons over 21. Additionally, there are different models of airsoft guns with different functionalities, which may require different age restrictions.

For instance, states that permit citizens to own an airsoft gun of any model typically require individuals to be 18. For those states that allow persons over the age of 21 to possess some models of airsoft guns but with certain restrictions, 18-year-olds may be permitted, but some models (such as automatic weapons) would be restricted until the individual reaches 21-years of age. The age restriction is usually in place to stop individuals from using airsoft guns off the premises or for a criminal activity.

It's important to be aware of your local laws and regulations for purchasing airsoft guns. There are specific rules regarding where firearms (regardless of their category), including airsoft guns, can be used or carried, such as not in a public park or without a permit. Also, some states require that citizens store their airsoft guns in a locked container or on their property, rather than on public lands.

Purchasing airsoft guns also have additional age restriction requirements that are regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).

It is important to note that regardless of age people must have a valid identification card issued by the government to purchase airsoft guns (just as they have to purchase any other gun). Depending on the state where the gun is purchased, one might need to apply for a license with the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (DLRA). To obtain the license, the applicant must submit a valid driver's license, a completed application form, and any additional required documents.

The legal age difference between a real gun and an airsoft gun is quite clear. An airsoft gun is considered a toy, while a real gun is defined as a firearm and therefore applies different laws and rules. Generally, for airsoft guns, the legal age to own or purchase is 18, while for real guns it's 21, depending on the state.

In this article, we've discussed the key query of How Old Do You Have To Be To Have An Airsoft Gun? We covered the various age restrictions depending on the gun model and state, as well as pointed out the importance of understanding and adhering to safety measures and local laws. Further, individuals must have valid identification and may even need to apply for a license depending on the local laws. Lastly, it is important to note that the legal age difference between a real gun and an airsoft gun is quite clear.

Overall, with proper knowledge of safety, laws for owning a gun, and information regarding age restrictions, you'll make informed decisions. This way, you can make sure you are legally compliant and practicing safety and security when handling an airsoft gun.


Ford, Amanda. "Safety Tips for Using Airsoft Guns." The Spruce, The Spruce, 23 Oct. 2019,